About 24 hours left until the 24 hours starts. Don't worry, it will make sense in a few days if the weather cooperates and any of us survive. So I'm catching up on photos just in case we don't make it.
Nate, Suspended in Silence (V5)
photos - Jeff Sillcox
Another sunset
photos - Jeff Sillcox
Hey look, it's Matt Birch.
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Jeremy almost flashing This Side of Paradise (V10). He sent 2nd go.
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Cory trying Form Destroyer (V12)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Jeremy on Evilution Direct (V11)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Jeremy off Evilution Direct (V11)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
is Suspended in Silence much harder since it broke?
Maybe a little bit. The dyno seems hard for a 5, but I suck at dynos. The flake that broke up higher doesn't really change the rest of the problem.
How hard did you guys think Secrets of the Beehive is?
I did it before the flake broke and thought it felt pretty reasonable for a 5, but I didn't dyno - came in from the jug on the left and used the two small crimps.
Apparently my reading comprehension skills suck - I thought your question referred to Suspended in Silence.
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