Eric sending Smokin' Joe (V9)
photos - Jeff Sillcox
Dark Continent (V8)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Grumpy Eric standing in the snow in the left fork.
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Eric has a circulation problem... too much circulation. It can be 25 degrees and his hands are still hot. Sometimes I'm jealous because my hands go numb pretty easily. Anyway, here's a little slideshow of one of my favorite problems in Joe's, Knocking Room (V9). This is my first try with an embedded slideshow, so feel free to comment if you like/dislike it. You can pause it, turn on/off captions, and click the photos to go to the Picasa album to see larger shots.
photos - Jeff Sillcox
Pretty cool, I like it.
: )
I like the slide show. My only suggestion is that Eric not wear a shirt next time.
Duly noted... I have heard your request and will follow the eye of your heart...
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