My computer blew up about a week ago and I'm still waiting on the replacement part to get it going again. So why isn't Eric posting? Because he's lazy. He has some perfectly good footage of me falling off Thunderbird at the Buttermilks, but he's too busy hanging out on the wrong side of the country and training for some crazy half marathon. So instead of you getting to watch me pull a Nate (falling off the easy finishing moves of a problem), here are a few pictures from the last couple weeks:
Herm working on The Mystery (V12)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Kelly McBride sending Center Direct (V10) with Daisy the miniature cow grazing in the background. Check out her blog (Kelly's, not Daisy's) for more photos of the Fort Collins crew crushing Bishop.
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Winter at the Buttermilks
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Wills wearing some boring clothes on Thunderbird (V11)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Lisa sticking the crux on Center Direct (V10)
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Moonrise over the White Mountains
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Lisa topping out Pope's Prow (V6) after sunset
photo - Jeff Sillcox
So I'm finally starting to tick projects off my list, sending Beautiful Gecko (V11) and flashing Los Locos (V7) last weekend and finishing off Thunderbird (V11) this weekend after falling off after the crux several times. Of course, as soon as you start sending stuff, you get a bunch of other projects. So my list of problems I want to do in Bishop still sits at around fifty.
you LOVE daisy!
Dear Cousin Larry Appleton,
Every season I am not around, you go and do something that make me jealous... hats off to you for your sends and constant motivation, wish I could share a few with you...until then I will be here in Prague racking my brain trying to produce an exact replica of drew's blue problem in the cave- which recently has shown up on a few 8a scorecards, prompting swift controversy by the way- circa winter 2000/01, but those old, slippery voodoo slopers are so very hard this side of the pond, behind the golden curtian...
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