I've driven roughly 5000 miles in the last four weeks. Sorry earth. But it did get me to some cool places. Two weekends of sportclimbing at Red Rocks. No pictures in this post, but maybe Eric will post up a few from his camera. Then Eric and I decided we needed to go bouldering before we became sportclimbers, so we hit the road again for Utah. We stopped short of Joe's because of some bad weather and checked out Isaac's new spot near St. George. Amazing looking rock, but unfortunately, we got snowed on there too and ended up at a little limestone roof for the day.
We made quick work of a very nice V8/9ish problem with some big pulls and then I started working Isaac's Six Shooter (V11).
photos - Eric Lang
With some perfect beta from Isaac, I worked out the moves quickly and sent on maybe my sixth try from the start.
After some more epic weather, we made it to Joe's to find perfectly dry boulders and great conditions.
Eric trying Worm Turns (V10 or 11 depending on where you start and how hard you want it to be).
photo - Jeff Sillcox
Eric groping Playmate of the Year (V9). We did not send. I wasn't even close and Eric fell off after the crux about 500 times.
photos - Jeff Sillcox
Fortunately, Nate sent Resident Evil (V10) which made his crazy drive in the snow worthwhile.
photos - Jeff Sillcox
A bunch of other junk got sent too but we were too lazy to take photos.
photo - Jeff Sillcox